Does My Workplace Need Air Quality Inspection?

professionals performing EHS risk assessment
From keeping workplaces compliant to keeping workers healthy and on the job, plenty of reasons support regular air quality inspection.  We all like to breathe easily. And there’s a reason people go outside to get “fresh air.” Studies conducte...
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Rope Rescue vs. Winches vs. Cranes in High-Angle and Confined Spaces

It’s easy to panic or defer to incorrect impulses when a life is on the line. Experienced and highly trained rescue experts know when the use of winches and cranes could do more harm than good. Minutes and even seconds matter in confined space e...
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Can Occupational Health & Safety Be a Profit Center?

Industrial safety and profit are typically viewed as inversely related. But with the right approach, occupational health and safety can yield a positive return on investment.  Businesses have considered safety an obligatory cost center for about as...
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What We (Think We) Know About OSHA Enforcement in 2023

Note: OSHA doesn’t give us a playbook of its plans for each year, but based on the information out there, we can make some measured guesses about how the agency will conduct itself. It was announced early this year that OSHA and MSHA didn’t ge...
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Conduct Seasonal Safety Inspections

Now that we’re officially into the fall season, it’s a great time to take stock of where things stand.  The summer months are always a little hectic, no matter your industry. Between seasonal cycles of business and team members taking time fo...
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Safety Minute: Improve Indoor Air Quality

As summer winds down, it’s essential to consider how your facility and operations will change with the seasons. In most parts of the country, the days will get shorter, and the weather will turn colder. You’ll likely be closing windows and door...
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Safety Personnel: Reduce Risk On Any Job

safety personnel
The top priority of any job site should be to keep employees safe. Making sure that workers have the opportunity to go home safe every day is a big responsibility, and it shouldn’t fall on the shoulders of people who may not have experience in tha...
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Refinery Turnaround Safety Checklist

woman checking checklist
Whether a refinery turnaround involves inspections, tests, repairs, or upgrades, there are always safety precautions to take into consideration. In order to address these fully, SITEX always recommends looking for refinery turnaround services from e...
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What is a Fire Watch? And Do You Need One?

man looking out
Depending on the work being done, there may be a need to have hole and fire watch personnel on-site. These are vital professionals who can make sure that employees are able to complete their work in a safe and timely manner. But what exactly is a f...
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When Do You Need a Confined Space Rescue Team?

engineer looking at potential confined space rescue site
Depending on the work being done by your team, a confined space rescue team may be necessary. Beyond just knowing when you need a confined space rescue team, working with an experienced one is critical. The need for proper rescue equipment and a kn...
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