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Expert Turnaround Services Can Make All The Difference

Turnarounds are complex and time consuming no matter how many times your team has done them. On top of that, they open up your team to increased risks and your business to additional liability. 

Instead of dealing with the headaches that turnarounds typically involve, companies can work with proven turnaround experts to complete turnarounds more safely and efficiently. To do that, businesses should look into in-depth turnaround services from trusted providers like SITEX.

Include Safety In All Turnaround Services

When done properly, a well-designed and executed turnaround plan can boost performance, increase on-site morale, and bring recognition to the team. However, a turnaround must be done safely in order to realize those benefits. With the complexity a turnaround involves and the massive equipment being worked on in the process, injuries and risk are a constant worry. 

There are numerous safety risks to be aware of during a turnaround including slips, falls, exposure, equipment failure, and even collapses. Even so the work needs to be completed. To that point, it’s always recommended to have a safety team on-site during a turnaround. But it’s important to understand that there’s a difference between a cost-effective safety team and expert turnaround services when it comes to the health and well-being of your employees. 

A cost-effective safety team is typically inexperienced and working with a safety team of that caliber can be disastrous. Instead, we recommend that customers look for a team that prioritizes safety first and foremost. When you work with a dedicated safety team, they have professionals who are on-site solely to focus on safety so the employees can focus on the turnaround. Our vetted professionals are typically completing the inspections, audits, fit testing, and compliance assistance required to keep the worksite safe. 

Turnaround services like these will not just benefit the employees who will get to go home each night, but the company as well. That’s because there will be less costly injuries, litigation, or other issues to deal with beyond the work that’s being done. Turnaround are already complex, why add more hassle to the process?

Industrial Hygiene’s Part In a Turnaround

Industrial hygiene plays a critical role in any turnaround. The industrial hygiene experts at SITEX can help customers deal with a wide variety of issues that are there at the start of the turnaround or ones that come up unexpectedly. 

Our experts conduct inspections and assessments that must happen before work can begin. They can also be on-site to monitor air quality and check for hazardous materials during the turnaround. In the event of spills, our team is there to deal with response management and make sure that employees are safe from an industrial hygiene perspective.

Unexpected things can happen during a turnaround, and it’s important to know you’re working with a provider who can adapt. That’s why our team offers the following services in the event of an unexpected industrial hygiene issue: 

  • Asbestos Inspections
  • Baseline Exposure Monitoring
  • Sound Level Monitoring and Noise Dosimetry
  • Industrial Hygiene Sampling Plans
  • Ventilation Surveys/Management Systems
  • Lead Inspections and Management
  • Facility/Plant Industrial Hygiene Services
  • Welding Fumes Monitoring/Analysis


We’ve also invested in the latest technology to make sure that our customers are more than just compliant with prevention and response, but proactive as well. With these industrial hygiene turnaround services at your back, you can rest easy knowing that your employees are safe.

Turnaround Rescue Services

Speaking of unexpected events, emergencies are always a possibility. That is doubly true when you’re talking about a turnaround. In addition to our safety and industrial hygiene turnaround services, SITEX offers rescue and emergency services as well. 

In the event of a turnaround-related emergency, our team can mobilize to assist, rescue, and keep safe. We believe in having the right personnel in the right place at the right time to make the biggest difference possible in the event of an emergency. That means preparing plans for potentially dangerous environments and working with certified experts in the rescue and emergency fields. 

From certified rescue teams to rescue equipment, SITEX offers the personnel and solutions needed to keep your employees safe.

Contact us today to discuss what turnaround services make sense for your business and a member of our team will walk you through the process.

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