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From Day-to-Day to Decommissioning to Demolition

How SITEX turned partnership into power plant proficiency.

SITEX began building its power plant operations expertise in the early 2000s, expanding from industrial hygiene and asbestos inspections into full maintenance inspections that gave us detailed insights into the inner workings of these facilities. By working closely with companies like TVA, Dynegy (Vistra), and Ameren, SITEX recognized and seized the opportunity to become a preeminent power plant safety expert in the U.S.


The Evolution of Expertise

Through every task performed in these plants, SITEX studied and logged the technical workings, learning the facilities’ needs and absorbing their language. We extended this learn-and-apply methodology across multiple clients and facilities to evolve basic safety and industrial hygiene into power plant-specific services, including:

  • Comprehensive inspections and safety audits of plants to document known hazards and identify opportunities to improve safety protocols.
  • Creating custom databases with actionable information about asbestos and other potentially hazardous materials.
  • Oversight of contractors for remediation and abatement jobs.
  • Managing budgets for more accurate and controlled cost tracking. 
  • Ensuring compliance by verifying all requisite certifications are met and maintained.


The Details that Matter, in the Language You Understand

By integrating into every aspect of the safety programs and absorbing the inner workings of power plants across multiple clients, SITEX developed the expertise to provide any and all power plants with technically sound information in the language they speak. SITEX is able to:

  • Manage across job functions, from engineers and planners to contractors and executives
  • Synthesize data into understandable and actionable presentations for all roles
  • Standardize approaches that translate across multiple worksites

When some of the plants were decommissioned, SITEX was the no-brainer choice to conduct safety consulting and guidance for the projects. Because SITEX knew the plants inside and out, the client knew the SOW would be accomplished with the necessary diligence and focus on issue and incident mitigation.


Expertise in Action: SITEX’s David Leibrecht

SITEX wouldn’t be able to provide unrivaled service to the energy industry without experts like David Leibracht, who helped oversee the fulfillment of SITEX’s mission to become the preeminent safety services consultant and provider in the field. With more than 20 years of focus on power plant operations, decommissions, and even demolitions, David epitomizes SITEX’s commitment to excellence and doing things the right way.

“You have to partner with someone who has the knowledge, experience, expertise, and commitment to conduct your proper due diligence and make sure all the potential liabilities are uncovered and documented in a way that will protect you and help facilitate a smooth project.

“We speak the language of the engineers and planners. When we draw upon the right nomenclature and naming conventions, they understand what we’re talking about. Reports we create with those kinds of references are valuable immediately and down the line.

“Often times we’re in a role to facilitate between several parties. There can be multiple mechanical contractors working together and an environmental issue comes up. We can help investigate, inspect, test, and determine if there is an issue. If there is, we’re the ones relaying and communicating that information in such a way that anyone involved can understand and digest it. We calm fears. We put people at ease. They know things will be taken care of.”

– David Leibrecht


What people say about David:

“David is excellent at filling this role. He can take multiple sides and figure out what’s best for everybody – how to do it properly, safely, and quickly to get things turned around. He’s the one who jumps up and goes when his cell phone rings at 1:30 in the morning. He’s responsible for driving our relationships and partnerships.”

– Christopher Byrne, Director of Environmental & IH Services, SITEX, Inc.


Work with David to ensure your power plant manages liability and mitigates risk, from day-to-day operations to decommissioning to demolition challenges. Contact SITEX today

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