OSHA Heat Regulations: What You Need to Know Now

We’re moving closer to an OSHA heat standard OSHA has finally announced its long-anticipated proposed rule for Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings. While it must clear several hurdles still to become a final rule...
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SITEX and Envirotest Join Forces to Enhance Both Companies

NEWS RELEASE For immediate release July 25, 2023 Contact: Pete Dugan, CEO 314-312-4608 SITEX and Envirotest Join Forces to Enhance Both Companies Striving to enhance its capabilities along the ...
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How To Find The Right Turnaround Consulting Firm

Turnarounds are an essential part of the equipment life cycle but they are also complex processes that elevate risk and stress around the worksite. With a turnaround comes the possibility of dangerous environments, increased chances of injuries on-...
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Emergency Services

Whether you are a site owner, operator or insurance adjuster, dealing with an emergency presents you with the challenge of organizing a highly chaotic situation. That’s why there is no substitute for having a partner you can turn to who can step in...
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